
Claiming NZ income tax deductions for travel expenses

You’ll generally be entitled to claim a NZ tax deduction for all work-related travel, which may well include: Business travel between business premises;  Business travel overseas Business travel to acquire assets and equipment Note:  The Inland Revenue Department may request that you support your claim for business travel expenses with appropriate records. One of the […]
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Want to strengthen your business with some business transformation tips?

Business transformation needn’t be a process that’s restricted to the big corporations.  In my experience, as an accountant and business consultant, one of the biggest challenges that most small business owners face is how they cope with the demands of doing everything.  From formulating their business plan, to marketing their services or products, to managing […]
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7 ways to grow your business in a recession

Are you struggling to survive the recession? If your business’ systems & structure are solid; you have the right team on board and you have your cash flow under control, there is every chance you will survive a downturn or recession. At the height of our recession, many small businesses focused on surviving, which is hardly […]
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How to design your core message

How you design your core message is probably one of the most critical and primary steps in marketing.  It sets the foundation for creating clear, focused and specific marketing messages.  The key message produces valuable strategies for many other marketing applications like your emails, brochures, your “elevator” pitch, sales letters and more. Developing your core message takes you […]
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