
Five ways to test your customer service levels

Your customer service level is a significant measure of how well (or how poorly) you assist your clients.  Hence, it is a vital factor of how well your firm will do – especially how good you are at keeping clients and generating ongoing business.  Indirectly, it also adds to your referral business – how well […]
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Tax on private boarders

In the current economic climate, you may be tempted to take in some private boarders or student homestays to top up your income. This article aims to give you an overview of the tax implications if you do so. If you receive income from private boarders, including student homestays you can choose one of 2 […]
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3 steps to grow your business

Small businesses can grow fast even in times of recession.  Surprised to hear this? Owners of small businesses are constantly looking for ways and means to grow their business and increase their profits. Here is some very valuable information that will help both you and your business grow. 1. Customers are the key The size […]
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The new IRD mileage rates

The IRD recently amended the mileage rates that can be claimed for business use of a motor vehicle expenditure.  The new mileage rates apply for the 2009 income year, ended 31 March 2009. Self employed business owners may use one of the following methods to calculate the proportion of business use of a motor vehicle: […]
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How much is your time worth?

Successful people use many time management strategies to manage and value their time.  This article offers a few simple time management strategies to help you use your time more effectively. Realise that time is running out Time is a unique resource, which is finite and expires at the same rate for every single person. When it’s […]
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