
The modern day bank manager

Over the last few weeks, many of our clients have expressed their deepening concern over their bank’s attitude to helping them through difficult times. During the recent good times, many of them were “courted” by their bankers to take out bigger loans; given credit cards with high limits and nothing seemed to much to ask.  Money […]
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How to survive the downturn

The current world wide economic downturn has, again, highlighted why small business owners must actively scrutinise their finances.  Many small business owners still rely on old and/or out of date information.   Last week, I recently met with a new client who had experienced a 25% decline in their sales.  When I asked them about […]
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What are the ways to eliminate price objections?

Almost everybody in sales has suffered price objections at some point. However, most salespeople follow the wrong path and try to grab a potential customer by asking invasive questions like: “If I can offer solution to your such and such problem, will you buy that one today”? or “Holding back is the only thing that […]
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Terms associated with ongoing financial meltdown

Given all of the problems with the current global financial markets, you might like to reacquaint yourselves with the following terms: CEO –Chief Embezzlement Officer CFO– Corporate Fraud Officer BULL MARKET — A random market movement causing an investor to mistake himself for a financial genius BEAR MARKET — A 6 to 18-month period when […]
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How to achieve anything in your business

I am a big believer that “if you think you can, you can” and “if you think you can’t, you cant”…either way you’re right. So the next time you say something can’t be done, stop and take a look at this video. I know this won’t please the animal activists but it does stop and […]
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Using a scorecard

Introduce a scorecard to give you an early warning system that all is not well. Businesses of all sizes, be they large corporations or a newly-established small business, spend a considerable amount of time and effort developing well-thought out strategic plans that work to pave the way for their business’s success.  Yet, many of them fail […]
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