
Am I in the Right Business?

Are you tired of working constantly without a vacation and having the money to show for your efforts? If you are wondering whether you are in the right business, consider the following questions: Do you know the ins and outs of your business? Understanding the ins and outs of your business and the industry that […]
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The 10 Commandments of Goal Setting

Setting goals personally and professionally is a crucial step to implement to ensure success. Here are 10 Commandments of Goal Setting: 1. Be Passionate Be passionate about your goals so that you are motivated to achieve them. Scratch off any goals on your list that you are not willing to do anything it takes to accomplish […]
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International driving licences go on-line!

Not sure if you were aware of this or not ???   Drivers License And Privacy Act – Check your driver’s licence information on-line.  Now you can see anyone’s driver’s licence on the Internet, including your own!   It asks for U.S. Info, but unfortunately it works for Canadian, English, Australian and New  Zealand licences […]
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Motivate your customers to buy from you

Too much “Hard Sell” can mean “No Sale”.  With the proliferation of advertising both online and off-line, customers have grown wary of products or services marketed through traditional sales methods.  Entrepreneurs of today must therefore learn how to invest more time and money in soft-sell methods.  Here are some real secrets to making your customers […]
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Why you need a unique selling point (USP)

Having a business without a Unique Selling Point or USP is like running for office without a defining slogan.  The result can be similarly devastating:  you’ll lose. Your business needs a USP.  It’s your business’ unique promise to customers.  It cuts through miles of marketing red tape and categorically tells your customers that “this is who […]
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How to cope with stress

Everyone experiences some level of stress in their life but if stress is not properly coped with, it can have many serious side effects to your health. There are several strategies available to cope with stress including lifestyle changes, dietary changes and proactive steps to avoid burnout. In business, stress is often associated with the […]
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Leverage your Time and Use it More Productively

In business, time is one of your most important assets. There are many time management tools available, yet many business owners fail to implement the ideas into their daily schedules. If you are looking to become more successful in business, there are a few simple strategies that will help you to immediately boost your daily […]
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5 tips for clear and effective writing

Writing is one of the most important skills that a business owner can possess. Whether you are looking to write business letters, emails, blog postings, forum posts, articles, newsletters, eBooks, eZine, autoresponders or sales copy; your ability to be both clear and effective will determine your levels of impact on you readers. Here are 5 […]
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