
Getting the Most from Your Online Presence

More than 10 years after the popularisation of the internet as a means of mass marketing, entrepreneurs are still finding this frontier a place one could easily get lost in.  Case in point are the millions of entrepreneurs worldwide who are finding out the hard way that having a fantastic looking website doesn’t necessarily ensure […]
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Are you making use of the PAYE subsidy?

Do you know that you could actually obtain financial assistance from the government if you outsource your payroll tasks to an accredited payroll services provider?  This government assistance is more popularly known as the PAYE subsidy that especially favours small employers like you.  If you are not taking full advantage of the PAYE subsidy, then […]
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How Skype has changed the way we communicate

Communication is the act of transmitting thoughts, opinions, ideas, and information (the message) from one person (the communicator) to another (the receiver).  It is a process that requires a medium. Traditional communication medium Traditionally, business management communicated with employees through written memoranda.  The boss would dictate or type the message, make copies of the memo […]
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What your business card says about your business

I am often asked about what details should go on a business card.  This article attempts to give my views. In this day and age, information technology has become so advanced that everything, it seems, is done online.  Marketing is no exception – search engine optimization (SEO); pay-per-click (PPC) advertising; article marketing; directory placements, and […]
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Registered office and company records

All New Zealand domiciled companies must have a registered office, as well as an address for service, where legal documents can be delivered to the company.  Both addresses must be notified to the Registrar on application for incorporation. The registered office must be a physical New Zealand address, not a postal box or accommodation address.  Normally […]
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