
Will you run the gauntlet with the IRD?

Bill English announced in his recent Budget that he was giving the IRD an extra $78.4m over the next four years to fund increased audit activity.  This is likely to have disastrous consequences for those small business owners who keep poor accounting records and have prayed they have stayed “under-the-radar”. The IRD has begun to […]
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Terminal Tax Due Dates

We receive a number of queries at this time of year from people trying to understand the due date for their terminal tax. The majority of income tax payers in New Zealand have a standard balance date of 31 March, which means that their terminal tax is due by: *  February 7 2012 if their […]
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You And Your Business Idea

One age-old question has puzzled many entrepreneurs to this very day – “what does it take for my business to succeed?” Many budding entrepreneurs, with aspirations of succeeding, dive headfirst into their new business venture. Some triumph; others fail.  With so much uncertainty in the current economy, many hopeful entrepreneurs may have to toil hard […]
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IRD tax filing dates

It’s that time of year when the nights are colder, and the IRD want their pound of flesh from taxpayers.   For the majority of Kiwi tax payers, the last day for filing their 31 March 2011 income tax returns is this Thursday, July 7 2011, unless their returns are prepared by an IRD approved […]
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4 tips to survive a weak economy

Like the Auckland weather, it’s often just as difficult to predict the economic climate accurately.  During a recession or economic downturn, disaster can quickly strike small business entrepreneurs who are not prepared to weather the storm. Fortunately, all is not lost.  You can stay strong in lean times and help is often at hand to […]
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Your bank manager – friend or foe?

Maintaining a good businesses relationship with a financial institution (such as a bank, credit card company, etc) has always been important.  This is becoming more prevalent as many lenders are consolidating, borrowing becomes harder and options become scarcer.     In the past, we may have regarded this relationship as a partnership, where each party stood […]
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