
The best way to save money on your tax

Everyone knows that tax, like death, is inevitable. Are you going to take the attitude that because it is inevitable, you are going to do nothing about it? Do you really know how much you shell out in income tax and other taxes every year? Nobody is suggesting that you evade taxes but wouldn't you like to reduce them to the minimum? Do you know and appreciate the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion?
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Planning for success in your New Zealand business using your accountant

Your accountant will tell you that small business enterprises are the backbone of the New Zealand economy and are the biggest employers in the country. Ninety percent of these enterprises employ less than 20 people each. This is not surprising, as New Zealanders are highly entrepreneurial and willing to give new business ideas a go. […]
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A guide to tax deductible expenses for the New Zealand property investor

Expenses that are deductible for tax for investments in New Zealand property follow the general principle that the expenses should have been incurred in connection with the property.  Thus expenses of the following nature would be fully deductible for tax: – Accountancy fees for the preparation of property accounts, – Bank charges both for loan […]
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